Monday 28 August 2017

Frankenstein's Monster: Wanted Poster

Hello students! Today, I'd like you to work in teams of two or three people and make a 'wanted' poster for Frankenstein's monster. Here are some examples of student work from last year:

You should include:

  • The word 'Wanted'
  • You could also perhaps include a description of his crime (e.g.'Wanted for the murder of William Frankenstein')
  • A picture of the monster
  • Some information about what the monster looks like (you can find descriptions on pages 10 & 11)
  • A reward (you can decide the amount). You might also want to include the words 'Dead or Alive'.
When you've finished making your poster, please send it to Teacher Phil at

Sunday 27 August 2017

Question of the Week: Frankenstein's Forgiveness?

Hello students! We've now finished reading the first part of Victor's story, in which his creature has killed his youngest brother William. 

The question of the week is:

Do you think that Victor should forgive the creature? Why, or why not?

Sunday 20 August 2017

Question of the Week

Hello students! For this week's question of the week, I'd like you to think about your 'dream' weekend.

Imagine you could do anything, go anywhere, with anybody- what would your weekend be like? Try to think of at least five sentences for your answer.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Present Perfect vs. Past Simple

Here is a test on comparing the present perfect and the past simple tense.

And here are more examples of when you would use each tense:

Monday 14 August 2017

Question of the Week: Fashion

Hello students! This week's topic is fashion, so for the question of the week I'd like you to describe your favourite item of clothing.

What is it? What does it look like?
When/where did you get it?
Who bought it- did you buy it yourself, or was it a gift?
Why do you like it?

Sunday 6 August 2017

Question of the Week: Parents

Hello students! This week, the question of the week is about your parents.

"Who are you more similar to- your mother, your father, or both? Why?"

You could talk about appearance, personality, habits, or anything!