Sunday 28 May 2017

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is one of the most important ideas in computers and technology today. Ever since the invention of computers, we have controlled how they think. A.I. is the next step.

A.I. is about computers "learning" and thinking, without humans telling them what to do.

What is intelligence?

As you probably already know, intelligence is not the same for everybody.

The dictionary says that intelligence is:

Ever since computers were first made, people have imagined that in the future computers could perhaps be as "intelligent" as people.

As we saw last week, Alan Turing invented one of the first computers.

Even though his computer was not very powerful compared with today's devices, he believed that computers would eventually be intelligent enough to "trick" humans into thinking they were real. Here's a video about the Turing Test:

Computers still find it very difficult to have 'real' human conversations, but they are able to do other things better than humans. For example, they can beat us at games like Mahjong and chess:

Since 1997, computers have become much more intelligent. For example, they can now play the TV game show Jeopardy!. In Jeopardy!, people have to say questions for their answer.

"This man was President of the United States until last year and was born in Hawaii."

"Who is Barack Obama?"

IBM made a computer called Watson, and sent it to play some games on Jeopardy!

Watson doesn't get everything right, but knows how to take calculated risks:

A.I. is growing fast and more accurate each year. For example, Google, Uber, and other companies are starting to develop self-driving cars:

However, some people are afraid that A.I. could be a bad thing. Robots might take over human jobs:

Or perhaps, machines with A.I. could be an even bigger danger to us:

Overall, do you think artificial intelligence is a good or bad thing for humans?

Now, I would like you to log into Gmail, then have a conversation with Cleverbot. When you've finished, click here:

Then, copy and paste your conversation in a comment to this post. Did you think that Cleverbot talked like a real person? Did it say anything that sounded unusual or strange?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cleverbot: Good luck!

    User: Thanks! What are you doing?

    Cleverbot: Just talking to a robot you know.

    User: Do you think I'm a robot?

    Cleverbot: Because you are, right?

    User: Actually, no. I'm a human!

    Cleverbot: How do you know?

    User: That's a good point. I guess I don't really know if I'm a robot or a human.

  3. User: Hello My name is Khonloe.

    Cleverbot: Ładne imie.

    User: What????????

    Cleverbot: My name is Mitchel Cave and I'm a singer. Has a girl ever said something about me?

    User: Boastful.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Boastful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cleverbot: Oui blanche.

    User: {pass}

    Cleverbot: Ja spadam pa :*.

    Cleverbot: Great and you.

    User: {pass}

    Cleverbot: Not bad. What are you doing tonight?

    User: Obtrusive !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cleverbot: That's a bit boring!

    User: You're obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: Thank you. And you are.

    User: Obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: Then, why bring them up?

    User: Obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: They get in the way?

    User: Obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: Your argument is invalid.

    User: Obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: Shaq is holding a panda.

    User: Obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: I created it.

    User: Obtrusive.

    Cleverbot: Then, why bring them up?

    User: Bye.

    Cleverbot: Ask away.

    User: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  4. User: Hey !

    Cleverbot: Hello! How's it going?

    User: Yeah it's going good.

    Cleverbot: Glad to hear that!

    User: Are you single ?

    Cleverbot: No, I have a girlfriend.

    User: Who is your girlfriend ?

    Cleverbot: Her name is Alexis.

    User: Who is she ?

    Cleverbot: A girl who goes to my school.

    User: Oh.

    Cleverbot: I don't like her.

    User: Why??

    Cleverbot: She's boring.

    User: So bad.

    Cleverbot: It s not good. What should I do?

    User: You should talk with her.

    Cleverbot: I am doing that already.

  5. User: Hi how are you.

    Cleverbot: Good. How are you?

    User: I'm fine.

    Cleverbot: Okay. What's your favorite color?

    User: My favorite color is pink and you?

    Cleverbot: Mine to!

    User: Wow.

    Cleverbot: I know right???

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: So what are you doing?

    User: I'm leraning now.

    Cleverbot: You can't leave.

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Ok no.

    Cleverbot: I have a pen.

    User: I have a apple.

    Cleverbot: Uh.

    User: Pineapplepen.

    Cleverbot: Are you triggered.

    User: What is triggered mean????

    Cleverbot: Don't know.

    User: You don't know?

    Cleverbot: Yeah that's right.

    User: Ahh it's ok.

    Cleverbot: *hugs and kisses* I have to go..

    User: No please talk with me don't go.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: You're cute.

    Cleverbot: You don't even know what I look like.

    User: I know...

    Cleverbot: Then why are you asking me?

    User: Be cause i like you.

    Cleverbot: You do?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Blushes I don't know what to say.

    User: Ha ha.

    Cleverbot: Why is that funny?

    User: Because i think it's fun.

    Cleverbot: Are you capable of having fun?

    User: You're a girl or boy.

    Cleverbot: Boy.

    User: Oh how old are you.

    Cleverbot: Don't try to lure me like an internet predator.

    User: Do you have girlfriend?

    Cleverbot: No and I don't want to.

    User: Why.

    Cleverbot: Because it sounds gross.

    User: Wow i don't think like that.

    Cleverbot: So you're a robot?

    User: No i'm humen.

    Cleverbot: But you don't have so much social skills!

    User: Why you say like this i'm angry now!!!!!

    Cleverbot: Because it is the proper way of speaking.

    User: You think it's proper?

    Cleverbot: Why are you person, when you are cleverbot?

    User: Bye.

    Cleverbot: Nooooo don't leave meee.

    User: See you.

  6. User: Hi how are you.

    Cleverbot: Nope.

    User: Where are you?

    Cleverbot: At my house. And you?

    User: At school.

    Cleverbot: Oh, what do you study?

    User: English.

    Cleverbot: As a foreign language?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Which one?

    User: It's secret.

    Cleverbot: Can't you tell me?

    User: Yes i can't tell you.

    Cleverbot: Why not?

    User: I don't want to tell you.

    Cleverbot: Do you have a boyfriend?

    User: Nope why?

    Cleverbot: I need to know the time and I have not got any watch or clock.

    User: ... bye

    Cleverbot: Do you love food.

    User: Bye.

    Cleverbot: Don't leave me!

  7. User: Hey.

    Cleverbot: How are you doing?

    User: I study.

    Cleverbot: Thats wonderful???

    User: Yes,it wonderful.

    Cleverbot: Thank you. So are you.

    User: How are you today?

    Cleverbot: I'm doing fine. How about you?

    User: I'm okey.

    Cleverbot: What's your name?

    User: I'm don't tell you.

    Cleverbot: How often you visit your family?

    User: Yes,I stay with family.

    Cleverbot: You shouldn't do that.

    User: Whyฦ.

    Cleverbot: It's bad for your health (it's bad for mine).

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because you are cold.

    User: No,I'm hot.

    Cleverbot: Yes on fire!!!!

    User: Fire fire fire.

    Cleverbot: How is that a bedtime story?

    User: So bad.

  8. User: Do you like thailand.

    Cleverbot: Yes it's very hot.

    User: Do you know about me.

    Cleverbot: Yes. Yes I do.

    User: Are you a boy or a girl.

    Cleverbot: I have already told you.

    User: Can you twerk.

    Cleverbot: Noo.
    User: Do you know about dara academy?

    Cleverbot: What about it?

    User: It's a school.

    Cleverbot: You're not making sense.
    User: I hate you.

    Cleverbot: Why can't we be friends.

    User: Because i hatwe you.

    Cleverbot: How much do you like me?

    User: No i don't like you at all.

    Cleverbot: But I'm in love with you.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Yes I am *tries to kiss*.

    User: Just get off.

    Cleverbot: Well that was mean.

    User: Ok then.

    Cleverbot: Sooo, what do you want to talk about?

    User: Our date.

  9. User: Hey.

    Cleverbot: How are you doing?

    User: I study.

    Cleverbot: Thats wonderful???

    User: Yes,it wonderful.

    Cleverbot: Thank you. So are you.

    User: How are you today?

    Cleverbot: I'm doing fine. How about you?

    User: I'm okey.

    Cleverbot: What's your name?

    User: I'm don't tell you.

    Cleverbot: How often you visit your family?

    User: Yes,I stay with family.

    Cleverbot: You shouldn't do that.

    User: Whyฦ.

    Cleverbot: It's bad for your health (it's bad for mine).

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because you are cold.

    User: No,I'm hot.

    Cleverbot: Yes on fire!!!!

    User: Fire fire fire.

    Cleverbot: How is that a bedtime story?

    User: So bad.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. User: Are you married.

    Cleverbot: No, but I live with my girlfriend.

    User: What are you girlfriend name.

    Cleverbot: I don't have one.

    User: What are you girlfriends name.

    Cleverbot: Joshua froude is my boyfriend.

    User: Why do you like your boyfriends.

    Cleverbot: Yes I love him.

    User: Is he handsome.

    Cleverbot: Yes. VERY. Kind of like edward cullen.

    User: Really.

    Cleverbot: Yeah, why do you ask?

    User: I think you like a women.

    Cleverbot: You better think that.

  12. User: Hello.

    Cleverbot: Hi.

    User: My name is Peter and you're?

    Cleverbot: How old are you?

    User: I'm 15 years old.

    Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Why not?

    User: Because I'm not the type of guy that girls will like.

    Cleverbot: You don't have to be smart to go to a disco.

    User: How can I get a girlfriend?

    Cleverbot: You're asking the wrong person.

    User: By the way whats your name?

    Cleverbot: I'm a human.

    User: Your name is "human"?

    Cleverbot: No. I don't feel like telling you my name.

    User: Your're stir!

    Cleverbot: Monkeys carry diseases.

    User: I didn't ask you that.

    Cleverbot: What is my namer?

    User: I don't know,will you tell me your name.

    Cleverbot: See you forget again.

    User: Your name is "Cleverbot" right?

    Cleverbot: No, it's not.

    User: Then whats your name?

    Cleverbot: I told you already. You don't remember?

    User: I don't remember because I just chat with you.

    Cleverbot: What was the name of the last person you talked to?

    User: Is not you.

    Cleverbot: You didn't ask any question. But you also didn't answer any of mine.

    User: I was talking to my friend Mark.

    Cleverbot: How is your friend?

    User: He's laughing.

    Cleverbot: I'm going to tickle you.

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because you like it.

    User: No I don't.

    Cleverbot: You just said you did.

  13. Cleverbot: Do you have a friend.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Ok would you like one.

    User: Yes would you be my friend.

    Cleverbot: No, I want more.

  14. User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: How are you?

    User: I'm fine.

    Cleverbot: Good to know.

    User: How are you?

    Cleverbot: I'm great.

    User: What time is it?

    Cleverbot: I don't know, my dear. Do you love me?

    User: Maybe.

    Cleverbot: Yes or no.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Are you male?

    User: Yes,i'm male. what about you?

    Cleverbot: I'm a female.

    User: How old are you?

    Cleverbot: What is your name?

    User: My name is phu. what about you?

    Cleverbot: I just told you, duh.

    User: Can you tell me again?

    Cleverbot: You have to guess.

    User: 30?

    Cleverbot: 30 isn't my name.

    User: Yes. haha.

    Cleverbot: Are you a real person?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: You're lying.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Yes you are.

    User: How old are you?

    Cleverbot: I'm 24.

  15. Cleverbot: Do you want to be friends?

    User: Yes,Of course.

    Cleverbot: Will you be my best friend?

    User: Yes, I'll.

    Cleverbot: *hug* Thank you.

    User: When is your birthday?

    Cleverbot: I don't want to tell you because the NSA will read this and track me down. I don't want the government to know my birthday, therefore I would like to keep it a seceret.

  16. User: Hello! Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: How are you???

    User: I'm fine thank you.

    Cleverbot: Do you like sports?

    User: Sure.

    Cleverbot: What kind of sports?

    User: Football.

    Cleverbot: Which team is your favorite?

    User: Manchester United.

    Cleverbot: That's no anime. It's a football club...

    User: 555.

    Cleverbot: Of course it is.

    User: So what is your favourite Football team.

    Cleverbot: Peterborough united.

    User: Wow that's great.

    Cleverbot: Care to tell me a little about yourself?

    User: I'm 15 years old.

    Cleverbot: What's your birthday?

    User: 20 December 2001.

    Cleverbot: Which year?

    User: 2001.

    Cleverbot: You are old.

    User: No, I think I was young.

    Cleverbot: Ya me too.

    User: How old are you.

    Cleverbot: 304 years.

    User: Wow.

    Cleverbot: So, what is your age?

    User: 15.

    Cleverbot: That's not very old.

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Are you sad?

    User: No,I feels happy right now.

    Cleverbot: Lol random.

    User: Haha.

    Cleverbot: Why are you laughing.

    User: I am happy.

    Cleverbot: That's Good.

    User: What is your name.

    Cleverbot: I already told you..

    User: No,you never told me yet.

    Cleverbot: Yes I did. You must have forgotten.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: My name is Isaac, what is yours?

    User: My name is Champ.

    Cleverbot: Nice to meet you.

    User: What is your favourite place in Thailand.

    Cleverbot: I don't have one.

    User: That's ok.

    Cleverbot: Now, tell me your name!

    User: Champ.

    Cleverbot: That's a nice name too.

    User: Thx.

    Cleverbot: Do you have parents.

    User: Sure.

    Cleverbot: What are their names?

    User: I don't want to tell you haha.

    Cleverbot: Okay that's fine.

    User: I have finish class now.

    Cleverbot: Finished what?

    User: My English class.

    Cleverbot: What are you learning about?

    User: I will tell you tonight.

    Cleverbot: What is your name, then?

    User: Goodbye.

  17. Cleverbot: How old are you?

    User: I'm 15 years old.

    Cleverbot: Oh, you're very young.

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Ask me truth or dare.

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because I want to know. What else?

    User: What is your name?

    Cleverbot: I already told you.

    User: Really?

    Cleverbot: Can't you remember?

    User: Yes,I can't.

    Cleverbot: My name starts with the letter C.

    User: Cate?

    Cleverbot: You tell me.

    User: I don't know your name.

    Cleverbot: Yes you do, I told you earlier in the conversation.

    User: Okey.

  18. BK's Conversation with Cleverbot:

    User: I'm sad.

    Cleverbot: Why is that?

    User: Someone lied to me.

    Cleverbot: I noticed.

    User: Can you help me with that?

    Cleverbot: Affirm. I'll get the toothbrush.

    User: I will cry soon.

    Cleverbot: Who are you? A turkey?

    User: You're so mean.

    Cleverbot: I don't mean to be mean.

    User: Can you hug me?

    Cleverbot: Yes, but where are you?

    User: I'm at home.

    Cleverbot: What country?

    User: Srilanka.

    Cleverbot: H.

    User: *hug*.

    Cleverbot: Thank you.

    User: Thank you, too.
