Sunday 14 May 2017

Welcome to the M4 NP SEEK Program!

What is the NP SEEK Program?

S= Skilled
E= English
E= Enhancement
K= Knowledge

What does the verb "to seek" mean?

  attempt to find (something).
"they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds"
search for, try to find, look for, be on the lookout for, be after, hunt for, be in quest of 
o    attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something).
"the new regime sought his extradition"
try to obtain, work toward, be intent on, aim at/for 
o    ask for (something) from someone.
"he sought help from the police"
ask for, requestsolicit, call for, entreat, beg for, petition for, apply for, put in for 

Why am I in the NP- SEEK Program?

  You were selected because of a combination of things:
  • Your GPA (Grade Point Average)
  • Your SEEK exam scores
  • Scheduling availability

It is not easy to join the SEEK program, so congratulations!
What will we do in SEEK?
SEEK has the same curriculum as all of M4 English, but how we do it will be very different.  Here are some examples:
  • You will have a different textbook.  We will be using English File- pre-intermediate.  It also has an online component to help you with pronunciation and vocabulary as well as preparing for exams.  For the online component, click here.
  • You will be writing and commenting on this website.
  • We will work faster than normal NP classes, and complete more assignments to practice using English for listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • We have 10 computers for your use in our classroom for research, projects and your blogs.

It's going to be a great year! Please write a comment below, describing:

1) Why is English important?
2) What is your favourite thing to do in an English classroom?
3) What are you not so good at?/What would you like to practice this year?


  1. Hello! My name is Philip.

    I think English is important because it's used all over the world. English is important not just in countries like the USA and the UK, but as a second language in places like India and China. If you can speak English, you have more opportunities.

    My favourite thing to do is to watch videos. If I watch videos of people speaking a foreign language, then I can hear lots of different accents and get better at hearing how people actually use their language.

    I think I need to work more on writing. I still find Thai difficult, but I can speak, listen, and read some basic things to get around every day. On the other hand, I find it hard to write long words or sentences in Thai.

  2. 1) I think English language is important because English language can used all over world.

    2) My favourite thing to do is to play a game because Games can help to learn easier.

    3) I'm not good Grammar and listen. I would to practice Grammar and listen this year.

  3. 1. Because English can use around the world,It' so Improtant
    2. I'm like to speak with my friends both English and Thai , I like to learn English.
    3. I think i need to learn English more, I can't speak English and don't know about Vocabulary, I will have attemp read and speak in this year.

  4. 1.Because it's important to my future.
    2.My favourite thing to do is watch videos like a daliy vlog or a cover.
    3.I'm not good at writing,reading and speaking / I would like to practice spelling .

  5. I think English is important because it's second language.
    My favorite think to do is watching movie or play game.
    I'm not good at writing,speaking English,but i can read,listen some basic things.

  6. 1.Because in the future when you go to interview and you say that you can speak English it's will be a good thing for you and you will get a good job.
    2.I like to play game and talk with teacher and read some book.
    3.I think i need to learn more math because i think math is difficult.

  7. I think English is very important because it is the main language in the world.
    My favorite thing to do is listening to musics and watch vedios.
    I'm not good at writing sentence and spelling words.

  8. Hi! My name is P.
    1. I think English is Important Because It's International language.
    2. I like to play some games because I can learn very well with games.
    3. I am not good at English. I would practice more English.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Good morning, I'm BK.
    1.Well, It's a universal language that everyone should be able to speak.
    2.Speak English.
    3.I'd like to practice communicating in an actual situation that would happen in real life.

  11. 1.Because is a language that whole world are using it.
    2.speaking and writing are the easiest way to study.
    3.I'm not good at grammar and I want to study grammar more.

  12. 1.Beacuse in future you must to know it.
    2.I like to play game,watch vedios and listen musics.
    3.I am not so good with speaking,listening,writing,read and vocabulary.

  13. 1) Why is English important?
    = Because I can use it to communicate with other people all around the world or Aliens(If it know English).
    2) What is your favourite thing to do in an English classroom?
    = I like to play games and answer questions as much as I can.
    3) What are you not so good at?/What would you like to practice this year?
    = I'm not so good at grammar and I would like to practice speaking and writing.

  14. Hello! My name is Champ
    1.I think English is important because It is the main language of the world.
    People from different country can understand each other by speaking English.
    2.My favourite thing to do in English classroom is talking with teacher, Watch movies,Play kahoot.
    3.I am not good at Grammar , I would you like to practice more about grammar and new volcabulary.

  15. Hello!! My name is Not.
    1. Because we must use English language to talk to many people.
    2. My favorite thing to do in an English classroom are play games and watch videos.
    3. I'm not good at speaking English skill. I would like to practice my speaking English skill and more volcabulary.

  16. Hello , My name is Pear.
    1.Because we will use this language to talk to another people who come form another country.
    2.My favorites thing to do in classroom is play games about what we learn.
    3.I'm not good at grammar and vocabulary , I would practice more about grammar and new vocabulary.
