Thursday 28 September 2017

Semester 1 Finals: Core Exam

Hello, students! These are the topics for the final core exam.
  • Parts of an airport
  • Going to for the future
  • Present continuous for the future
  • Defining relative clauses (who, which, where, what, etc.)
  • Paraphrasing- you'll read a short description and have to guess what it's describing.
e.g. Q: It's a place with lots of shops, restaurants, and a cinema. A: Shopping mall
  • Present perfect + yet, just, already (Have you done you your homework yet? Yes, I've just finished)
  • Present perfect or past simple? (I've been to China once/I went to China last year)
  • Something, anything, nothing
  • Parts of a paragraph
  • Good and bad topic sentences
  • Paragraph writing (15 points) 
There are also some longer writing questions, worth about 5 points each. Try to write in sentences. You don't have to write a paragraph, but you could get more points if you do!


Here's some work that you can do to prepare for the exam. Remember, apart from the parts of an airport, most of the exam is about grammar:

  • Revise & Check (p. 34) [already done]
  • Grammar Bank (p. 130-135)
  • Units 3-4 (p. 17-29)
Online  practice
Paragraph Writing

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