Friday 29 September 2017

Semester 1 Finals: Supplemental

Hello, students! Today we are going to look at the supplemental exam, which will be about the Frankenstein reader. The supplemental exam will be on Tuesday, 4th October at 11:00 am. Remember to bring your book!

There are four parts to the exam:
  • Vocabulary (30 points)
  • Characters (30 points)
  • Plot (30 points)
  • Themes (10 points)

As well as matching/multiple choice questions, there are questions where you need to write some sentences for your answer. For example:

"Who is the most innocent victim in Frankenstein? Why?" (5 points)

Remember, if the question asks you to write why you think something, you need to give a full answer!


For the "themes" questions, you'll be given a pair of themes and have to write a paragraph to say how they appear in the reader. For example, if you choose "Love and Hate", you could write about:
  • Victor's loving childhood
  • Victor and Elizabeth's love for each other
  • The fact that Victor didn't love the monster
  • How the monster wanted a 'wife' to love him
  • Felix and Sophie's relationship
  • How the monster and Victor hate each other
  • How society hates the monster
You could give quotes and examples to support your argument:

'The monster feels rejected by Victor, and that Victor's failure to love him has made him miserable. For example, on page 20 the monster says: "Why did you create me if you were not ready to love me?". This shows that the monster thinks that Victor is to blame for his own evil actions.'


To help you prepare for the test, you could look at the M4 SEEK chapter summary cartoons here, look at your practice test, or re-read Frankenstein.

Good luck!

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