Wednesday 24 January 2018

NP Fair

Hello students!

Here is some information about tomorrow's NP Fair.


We will meet tomorrow at 1pm in the SEEK room. Some students will take the sign and some stationary supplies, and everybody else will go to Teacher Chris' room with Teacher Philip to pick up the pans, trays, etc. We will then go to the football field and drop off our supplies. Some students will stay at our table to help put up the sign, while everybody else will go to the Mary Campbell building with Teacher Philip. There, he'll give you all the chicken nuggets, sauces, and other cooking supplies, which you'll bring back to our table.

At about 1:45, you'll go to the canteen building and watch the NP Play. The play will finish at about 3:15, and the fair will officially start soon after. After the play has finished, please come straight down to the field and help sell nuggets!

I hope we'll be finished by 6:00pm, but it depends on when we sell out.

Teacher Philip will bring:


You should bring:

Your stuff: bags, sweaters, etc. (you might not have time to go back to your classroom until after the play)
A hat
Some water

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