Tuesday 2 January 2018

Thailand 4.0

For Dara Fair, we will make a display about Thailand 4.0. You probably know what it is already, but here's a video to refresh your memory:

What I would like us to do is to design some "apps" to help achieve the Thailand 4.0 goals. I'll make a big "phone" out of futureboard, and your "apps" will be on the "screen".

  • You will work in pairs (2 people designing one app, 9 apps in total from M4 SEEK).
  • You will design a logo for your app, to go on the front door.
  • You will write a description of what your app does. Consider the "W" questions: What does it do? Who will it help? How will it help them?/Why is it useful?
  • You will write a practice description first, get Teacher Phil to check it, and then write a final copy.
Here are some resources to find out more information about Thailand 4.0. Some are in English, while others are in Thai:

Teacher Andy's handout (English) This is really good introduction to Thailand 4.0. It's short, but has lots of useful information:

The Thai Embassy, Washington DC (English). A full description of what Thailand 4.0 is, with videos and links, including this infographic:

This shorter summary of Thailand 4.0 (English)

This video about Thailand 4.0 (Thai)

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