Wednesday 29 November 2017

Not's Dream

    Hi! I'm "Not." I often dream and I usually also remember the dream. I will tell about my dream which I dreamed recently. My post maybe grammatically wrong or misspell. I will try to make you understand.

    In my dream, I saw characters, Donald Duck, Goofy and the boy named "Sora." Actually, they come from the video game "Kingdom Hearts." I don't know why I dreamed about them.
Donald Duck

    We trapped in the building. It was quite dark inside, but I can still see everything around me. We decided to explore the building together.
    We had explored the building for a long time to find the exit. I was scared but I was also fun too, because I felt like I'm in the video game.
    Then, we decided to explore the toilet. After We entered the toilet, the toilet door closed and was locked. Then, Donald duck could't breathe. It seemed he can't stay at this atmosphere. His face was paler and paler and then it was blue. He fell down and looked at me. He tried to ask me for help, but he couldn't speak. Then, he stopped moving. I thought he had already died, but I wasn't sure. Then, he was pulled to the black hole on the toilet floor and disappeared immediately.
    I was shocked! I didn't know what should I do. Goofy and Sora were shocked too. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe and I couldn't also speak too. I thought I will be like Donald, but It's a little different. I was pulled to the black hole on the toilet floor, but I didn't fell into the black hole, but I floated in the center of the black hole. and my body was parallel to the floor. I tried to ask Goofy and Sora for help, but I couldn't speak. I hoped Goofy and Sora will help me, but they won't. I tried every way to get out of the black hole, but it didn't work. I thought I will fall into the black hole soon. At last, I woke up.
    I think I dreamed like this because I was tired and I slept late because I couldn't move or do anything when I floated in the center of the black hole. It seemed I'm in "Sleep paralysis" in my dream. It may remind me to sleep earlier, otherwise I won't live happily, I think.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Champ's Dream

Hello! I'm Champ and this is my first post on this blog.Today I'm going to tell you about my horrible dream from last year to you.......

In my dream, I was met my uncle at my grandmother's house. He gave me a golden watch that him ever owned ,I was so very happy and I was wearing this at that moment. Then left my grandmother's house and rode a bicycle to somewhere that I can't remember that and then I stopped the bicycle because some things obstruct the way.And when I  left my bike and took out the things that obstruct the way the thief was across me! He cut my hand that was worn a golden watch and took it and go away from me. I was scream and then I woke up.

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ golden watchผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ thief

This dream teach me to focus on my life to don't be wear something expensive to show other people cause you don't know what they think and what they will going to do if they want that thing from you.

Thank you for reading my post, Good night!

Monday 27 November 2017

Fang's Weird Dream

          First, I need to introduce myself. Hello! my name is Fang, some of you already know me. Now I'll write about my dream. I rarely dream that much or I can't remember it. My dream isn't scared me but it's weird...

Do you want to know what that about?

          In my dream, I was alone in the dark, I got a torch, I was chasing around school by the skeleton that holds a big watermelon. 

          I dreamed about it because I played the game(Minecraft) too much. In the game, the skeleton was chasing Steve(the character) and it shot an arrow at him, and I liked to grow watermelons very much. 

          Three days later, the teacher told me to have a Physical Fitness Test by ran 4 round around the field. 

        I think my dream try to tell me about the future, that's why my dream ends up like this. But I hope I'll dream about the lotteries and I'll win the prize. LOL

...The End...

Pear's Dream

This is my dream in the past when I was young. This is not very horrible dream but I can't forget it, so I will interview my self first and then we will get back to my dream .

Hello every one my name is Pear,I study in M.4/6 
In my dream, I went to some where look like the zoo but I think it not the zoo it have a lot of animals,
I walked alone I didn't know where I want to go but at the moment I saw something look like cliff it
has a water around the cliff ,I walked on the cliff and then some parts of cliff is disappear the cliff break down ,I fell down and I saw something crawled to me , They are crocodiles and there bit me,
suddenly I woke up.

Sunday 26 November 2017

QOTW: Time

Hello, students!

This week's question of the week is all about the topic of time, which we're looking at in Unit 5A. 

The question is: "If you had the power to stop time, what would you do? Would you use your power to do good, or for evil? Why?"

Wednesday 22 November 2017

BK's Dream

          In one year, I usually dream about 2 times and every time I dream I never remember it. So, in this post, I will write about my daydream instead!
          Normally, when I don't have anything to do. I just sit down, listen to music, chill and think about stuff. Most of the time I like to think about me being the main character in all sorts of video games. There was one time that I think about being 'Captain John Soap Mactavish' from the famous "Call of duty: Modern Warfare series." I was running and dropping bodies left and right with my trusty M4A1, Shooting down tanks and APCs with  M129 helicopter-mounted grenade launcher, Detonating nuclear warheads that target my homeland mid-air, Rescuing 'Nikolai', a Russian informant that works for the S.A.S from getting killed while wearing night vision goggles.
           Daydreaming like this is fun, it feels awesome. You get to be someone interesting in a mind-blowing stories. And you also get to get rid of stress this way :)

Rescuing Nikolai

All ghillied up mission

Peter's best dream ever!

I am Peter! the wizard of Dara Academy! nah I'm just kidding. I'm just an ordinary student who had a nice dream. I've dreamed about something very awesome! yes! that I became a good looking guy that have muscles, the muscles are big but no much and I can felt my six-pack too! I don't want to wake up again. I the time has come, I woke up at 7:10 am. and I have to go to school so I can't go back to sleep again.But this dream told me something.... that one day if I'm continuing on my work-out I would become a good looking guy!

My lovely alarm clock

Hello I'm Mark! In my life I've dream a lot but i usually forgot it. But I can remember some dream.
I dream about lottery number and I won it.After that I rich and I have a lot of money so I can buy anything I wanted to I went to many country I found a beautiful girl.When I going to talk to her           I woke up.And I feel so angry because my alarm ringing.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Writing about your dreams...

I'd like you to post about a dream you had on the M4 SEEK blog. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Log-in and check your Gmail. You should have an invitation to edit the M4 SEEK blog. Accept the invitation.
  2. If you now go to the M4 SEEK blog, you should see your name on the right-hand side as a contributor.
  3. Now, click on 'New Post' in the top-right corner.

4.  In your post, I'd like you to describe an interesting dream that you had. You should try to write as much as you can! You could answer these questions to help you start:

What happened in your dream? 
What were you doing
Where were you? 
Who were you with in your dream?
How did you feel in your dream? 

5. When you're finished, click the orange 'Publish' button in the top right corner. Congratulations!

Philip's Dream

To be honest, I usually forget my dreams almost as soon as I wake up. But there is one dream that I keep having again and again...

In my dream, I'm driving a car alone at night time. I think I'm in Chiang Mai. At first, everything seems normal. But soon, the car starts to have a mind of its own- it speeds up even when I hit the brakes, and I can't steer it. I crash into cars parked by the side of the road, and soon the police are chasing me. But it's not my fault- I can't control the car!

I think I have this dream because I don't like driving cars. I love riding my motorbike, but I've always had a bit of a phobia about driving cars. I think this dream is just my brain dealing with my fear of driving. I hope that it's not a sign of something that will happen in the future!

Monday 20 November 2017

QOTW: Dreams

Hello students!

This week, we're exploring the topic of dreams.

The question of the week is: "Do you believe that dreams can tell us about our real lives? Why, or why not?"

Monday 13 November 2017

Optimist, Pessimist...or Realist?

Hello, students! This week, we are looking at the topic of optimism and pessimism. Here are some definitions of the words:

Take this short Buzzfeed quiz and find out if you are an optimist or pessimist.

Some people add a third category: realist. Here is the definition of the word realist:

 Now, I'd like you to take this quiz and find out if you are an optimist, pessimist, or realist.

QOTW: Optimist or Pessimist

Greetings, students!

This week's question of the week is based on the topic from Unit 6A of the textbook.

"Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Why? Give an example of why you think you are an optimistic/pessimistic person."