Wednesday 22 November 2017

BK's Dream

          In one year, I usually dream about 2 times and every time I dream I never remember it. So, in this post, I will write about my daydream instead!
          Normally, when I don't have anything to do. I just sit down, listen to music, chill and think about stuff. Most of the time I like to think about me being the main character in all sorts of video games. There was one time that I think about being 'Captain John Soap Mactavish' from the famous "Call of duty: Modern Warfare series." I was running and dropping bodies left and right with my trusty M4A1, Shooting down tanks and APCs with  M129 helicopter-mounted grenade launcher, Detonating nuclear warheads that target my homeland mid-air, Rescuing 'Nikolai', a Russian informant that works for the S.A.S from getting killed while wearing night vision goggles.
           Daydreaming like this is fun, it feels awesome. You get to be someone interesting in a mind-blowing stories. And you also get to get rid of stress this way :)

Rescuing Nikolai

All ghillied up mission

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