Wednesday 29 November 2017

Not's Dream

    Hi! I'm "Not." I often dream and I usually also remember the dream. I will tell about my dream which I dreamed recently. My post maybe grammatically wrong or misspell. I will try to make you understand.

    In my dream, I saw characters, Donald Duck, Goofy and the boy named "Sora." Actually, they come from the video game "Kingdom Hearts." I don't know why I dreamed about them.
Donald Duck

    We trapped in the building. It was quite dark inside, but I can still see everything around me. We decided to explore the building together.
    We had explored the building for a long time to find the exit. I was scared but I was also fun too, because I felt like I'm in the video game.
    Then, we decided to explore the toilet. After We entered the toilet, the toilet door closed and was locked. Then, Donald duck could't breathe. It seemed he can't stay at this atmosphere. His face was paler and paler and then it was blue. He fell down and looked at me. He tried to ask me for help, but he couldn't speak. Then, he stopped moving. I thought he had already died, but I wasn't sure. Then, he was pulled to the black hole on the toilet floor and disappeared immediately.
    I was shocked! I didn't know what should I do. Goofy and Sora were shocked too. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe and I couldn't also speak too. I thought I will be like Donald, but It's a little different. I was pulled to the black hole on the toilet floor, but I didn't fell into the black hole, but I floated in the center of the black hole. and my body was parallel to the floor. I tried to ask Goofy and Sora for help, but I couldn't speak. I hoped Goofy and Sora will help me, but they won't. I tried every way to get out of the black hole, but it didn't work. I thought I will fall into the black hole soon. At last, I woke up.
    I think I dreamed like this because I was tired and I slept late because I couldn't move or do anything when I floated in the center of the black hole. It seemed I'm in "Sleep paralysis" in my dream. It may remind me to sleep earlier, otherwise I won't live happily, I think.

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